endoctrine /urinary system
Question Description
part 1
- How is the endocrine system similar to a thermostat? Explain this analogy and include a discussion of homeostasis in your answer.
- If you had to choose one gland or resulting hormone to live without, which one would it be and why?
- Which gland and/or resulting hormones do you think serve the most important function and why? Include an example from personal experience or a scenarioA table of the major endocrine organs and their associated hormones
Step 2 Create a table.
Create a table of the major endocrine organs of the human body. For each organ, include:
- Hormones associated with each organ and the target cells affected by those hormones
- One example of a disease or disorder
- Brief comment about whether this organ is impacted by stage of life
part 2
Create a PowerPoint presentation
Create a five-slide PowerPoint presentation that covers the following topics:
o Anatomy of the urinary system
o Path of urine formation
o Composition of urine
Conduct research as necessary and include images in your slides (cite your sources). Be concise. Put detailed notes in the notes section of each slide.