urp 4120 planning implementation strategy

Individual Assignment #3

URP 4120 Planning Implementation Strategy

Due Date: 3/24/2020, 6:30pm

10% of the total grade

In this assignment, please answer the following questions using your own words:

  • Briefly define at least four of the urban design tactics for retrofitting as listed on Page ix of the textbook (Dunham-Jones & Williamson, 2011). (2%)
  • How does suburban form differ from urban form regarding land uses, housing, transportation, and urban design, etc.? (Page xxvi of the textbook) (2%)
  • Briefly explain the housing types and their characteristics in seven transect zones. (Pages 36-43 of the textbook).(3%)
  • Briefly summarize the shopping center definitions based on ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers). Based on the definitions, what type do you think that Town Center Mall at Boca Raton falls into? (Page 61 of the textbook).(3%)
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