read the Questions and write paper

Question Description

Objectives: To demonstrate knowledge, understanding, critical thinking, research, communication, and problem solving and analytical skills on computer and network security problems and solutions


1. Identify a specific type or aspect of computer and network security problem related to this class, such as a specific type of malware (e.g. virus, worm, ransomeware, etc), system vulnerability, phishing (e.g. spear phishing), network intrusion), etc.

2. Conduct research on the identified problem and propose the best solution in your opinion based on in-depth research using the course readings and additional sources such as conference and journal papers (e.g. IEEE or ACM Digital Library database) accessible online from the RMU library, up-to-date industry and government reports, and other academic and non-commercial publications.

3. Write a research paper that has the following sections and components:

1) A title and an Abstract paragraph of 150-200 words to summarize the content of your paper.

2) 5-7 Keywords used in your paper.

3) An Introduction section (about 1 page) to briefly describe your research issue, questions, and your 
proposed solution and method, and explain the importance or value of your issue and solution. 
4) A Literature Review section (1.5-2 page) that summarizes major existing and published solutions (3 
or 4 solutions) to your identified research issue/questions and discusses the strengths and limitations
of each existing solution one by one.

5) A Proposed Solution section (2 pages): Describe your proposal in detail (including test methods, 
tools, data, and resources involved), justify its soundness by citing research and theory support, 
addressing limitations of existing solutions, using first-hand (preferred) or second-hand data, demos, 
graphical figures, tables, or screen captures.
6) A Conclusion section (1 or 2 paragraphs) to recap your paper and state areas for future study.
7) A References section listing all the sources cited in your paper using examples in the sample IEEE 
paper format template and provided and the guide on editing and citing references on pages 34-48 in 
the IEEE editorial style manual provided.

4. Minimum Length & Format: 4 pages (for INFS3235) and 6 pages (for INFS6490); single space & 2-column, font size 12; see the sample IEEE paper format template and the IEEE editorial style manual provided. APA format is also acceptable.

5. Research Sources: At least 10 reputable sources should be properly listed and cited in your paper. You are welcome to create or cite appropriate graphics. 

6. Submission: Submit your paper (Word document) to the Blackboard link by the due date.

7. Outline Presentation: Prepare a PowerPoint file of about 5-6 slides to outline your planning for the components of your paper in outline style (keyword summaries and appropriate graphics) to be presented in class in Week 4.

8. Plagiarism: All submissions are checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign. The similarity index should be less than 15%. Minimize direct quotes and give proper documentation to all sources used to avoid high similarity scores. You may not submit a prior paper from another course or school to fulfill this term paper assignment. Please review the syllabus section on penalties for plagiarism.

Grading Criteria: 
The paper will be evaluated in content, writing, presentation, and format. See the grading rubric attached below for detailed grading criteria and expectations.

Term Paper Grading Rubric

Levels of Achievement
CriteriaOutstandingExcellentSatisfactoryBelow Expectations
Problem40 PointsOutstanding identification, description, and explanation of the research problem and its importance.36 PointsExcellent identification, description, and explanation of the research problem and its importance.32 PointsAdequate identification, description, and explanation of the research problem and its importance.24 PointsInadequate or unclear identification, description, and explanation of the research problem and its importance.
Solution40 PointsOutstanding description and discussion of the proposed solution with very strong support by review of research and/or test data.36 PointsExcellent description and discussion of the proposed solution with quite strong support by review of research and/or test data.32 PointsAdequate description and discussion of the proposed solution with very strong support by review of research and/or test data.24 PointsInadequate description and discussion of the proposed solution with very strong support by review of research and/or test data.
Writing10 PointsOutstanding writing with no noticeable errors in grammar, mechanics, and format.9 PointsExcellent writing with a few minor errors in grammar, mechanics, and format.8 PointsAcceptable writing with a few errors in grammar, mechanics, and format.6 PointsPoor writing with more than a few errors in grammar, mechanics, and format.
Outline Presentation
10 PointsShowing thorough and outstanding planning for all components of the term paper.9 PointsShowing excellent planning for all components of the term paper.8 PointsShowing adequate planning for all components of the term paper.6 PointsShowing inadequate planning for all components of the term paper.
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