Professional Self-Assessment
Question Description
Professional Self-Assessment
You will write a professional self-assessment for the final component. In this professional self-assessment, you will reflect on the capstone and your experience in the MS Accounting program. The professional self- assessment will serve as the formal introduction to your portfolio. This means that you should use the self-assessment as an opportunity to emphasize your strengths and employability. In addition, the professional self-assessment is an opportunity to explain how the portfolio artifacts that you developed showcase your superior accounting knowledge, skills, and expertise.
Remember that when prospective employers or admissions counselors view your portfolio, the professional self-assessment is the first thing they will see. It should be well organized, thoughtful, and effectively communicate your strengths in the field of accounting.
Some of the issues that you could address in the final component of this capstone may include:
Ethics are a crucial component of the accounting profession. How can you relate ethics to your capstone and MS Accounting program experience? How can you maintain ethical principles in your future accounting career?
What have you learned throughout the MS Accounting program and the capstone experience that prepares you for a job in an accounting firm or for further education?
How did you apply accounting best practices in your capstone experience?
How will you apply what you have learned in the capstone and in the program to your future academic and/or professional life? In other words, how does this capstone fit into the big picture of your academic and/or professional goals?
What unforeseen problems or obstacles did you encounter during your capstone experience? What challenges did you face? How did you address these problems?
Guidelines for Submission: Your professional self-assessment should be two to three pages in length and should be included as the introduction to your portfolio,