math 110 d01 1

Module Quizzes

Using the online WebAssign software, you will take 5 Module Quizzes

in this course. Each Module Quiz will be based on the homework and video

lessons in each section of the module/week. Before beginning a Module

Quiz, you must first reach a score of at least 70% on the corresponding

module/week’s Module Exercises.

Module Quizzes can be taken 3

times each. If 70% is not earned on the first attempt, you can retake it

two more times. If you want to retake a Module Quiz you will have to

retake all questions each time. Your highest score will count towards

the final grade for each Module Quiz.

The Module Quizzes can be completed early, but they must be completed by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned module/week.

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