Describe your initial ideas for approaching the project.
Question description
You will develop and implement a project within your organization or another community withwhich you are affiliated (e.g., a volunteer organization, church, professional organization). The capstone project can range in experience, focus, and need. For example, students may find enhanced training on technology could be beneficial, while others might propose a new professional development process or even a mentorship program within their organization. Past coursework can be very helpful – consider the innovation project you proposed (but did not execute) in LDR-640. You will spend 15-20 hours implementing and facilitating the capstone project, in addition to the time spent planning, evaluating, and reflecting on the implementation, so make sure you identify a project that will allow you to develop and explore something of interest to you. The capstone project process will also help you develop a professional portfolio that represents your learning experience and leadership abilities
Part 1: Review the “Capstone Project Student Guide.” Why would your project be valuable for the organization you are considering? Consider this discussion forum an opportunity to brainstorm ideas and gain feedback from your peers.
Part 2: What personal or professional experience inspired your interest in your capstone project idea? Is it based on a need you have experienced from leadership? A personal passion? What leadership theories and concepts from your past courses could you draw upon as you engage in the project?