Assessment of the Heart, Lungs, and Peripheral Vascular System

       Assessment of the Heart, Lungs, and Peripheral Vascular System

You will:


  • Evaluate abnormal cardiac and respiratory findings
  • Apply concepts, theories, and principles relating to health assessment techniques and diagnoses for the heart, lungs, and peripheral vascular system.


Assignment 1


To Prepare

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and the Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning media program and consider the insights they provide related to the heart, lungs, and peripheral vascular system.
  • Review the Shadow Health Resources provided in this week’s Learning Resources specifically the tutorial to guide you through the documentation and interpretation with the Shadow Health platform. Review the examples also provided.
  • Access and log in to Shadow Health using the link in the left-hand navigation of the Blackboard classroom.
  • Review the Week 7 DCE Focused Exam: Chest Pain Rubric provided in the Assignment submission area for details on completing the Assignment in Shadow Health.
  • Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient.
  • Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?


DCE Focused Exam: Chest Pain Assignment:


Complete the following in Shadow Health:


  • Cardiovascular Concept Lab (Recommended but not required)
  • Abdominal Concept Lab (Recommended but not required)
  • Episodic/Focused Note for Focused Exam: Chest Pain




















Week 7               

Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience Focused Exam: Chest Pain Documentation


SUBJECTIVE DATA: Include what the patient tells you, but organize the information.

Chief Complaint (CC): In just a few words, explain why the patient came to the clinic.


History of Present Illness (HPI): This is the symptom analysis section of your note. Thorough documentation in this section is essential for patient care, coding, and billing analysis. Paint a picture of what is wrong with the patient. You need to start EVERY HPI with age, race, and gender (i.e. 34-year-old AA male). You must include the 7 attributes of each principal symptom:

1.         Location

2.         Quality

3.         Quantity or severity

4.         Timing, including onset, duration, and frequency

5.         Setting in which it occurs

6.         Factors that have aggravated or relieved the symptom

7.         Associated manifestations


Medications: Include over-the-counter, vitamin, and herbal supplements. List each one by name with dosage and frequency.


Allergies: Include specific reactions to medications, foods, insects, and environmental factors.


Past Medical History (PMH): Include illnesses (also childhood illnesses), hospitalizations, and risky sexual behaviors.


Past Surgical History (PSH): Include dates, indications, and types of operations.



Sexual/Reproductive History: If applicable, including obstetric history, menstrual history, methods of contraception, and sexual function.


Personal/Social History: Include tobacco use, alcohol use, drug use, patient’s interests, ADLs and IADL if applicable, and exercise and eating habits.


Immunization History: Include last Tdp, Flu, pneumonia, etc.


Significant Family History: Include a history of parents, grandparents, siblings, and children.


Review of Systems: From head to toe, including each system that covers the Chief Complaint, History of Present Illness, and History). Remember that the information you include in this section is based on what the patient tells you. You will only need to cover systems pertinent to your CC, HPI (N/A, UNKNOWN is not acceptable, make up the information if you need to). To ensure that you include all essentials in your case, refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text.


General: Include any recent weight changes, weakness, fatigue, or fever, but do not restate HPI data here.

            Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular:






OBJECTIVE DATA: From head to toe, include what you see, hear, and feel when doing your physical exam. You only need to examine the systems that are pertinent to the CC, HPI, and History unless you are doing a total H&P. Do not use WNL or normal. You must describe what you see.


            Physical Exam:

Vital signs: Include vital signs, ht, wt, temperature, BMI, and pulse oximetry.


General: Include general state of health, posture, motor activity, and gait. This may also include dress, grooming, hygiene, odors of body or breath, facial expression, manner, level of conscience, and affect and reactions to people and things. 

              Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular: Always include the heart in your PE.

Respiratory: Always include this in your PE.






Diagnostic Test/Labs: Include any labs, x-rays, or other diagnostics that are needed to develop the differential diagnoses with rationale for each one documented OR ones that were mentioned during the SH assignment. 


ASSESSMENT: List your priority diagnosis(es). For each priority diagnosis, list at least 3 differential diagnoses, each of which must be supported with evidence and guidelines. For holistic care, you need to include previous diagnoses and indicate whether these are controlled or not controlled. 


(FYI: Logging inf: Abdoul.Ndiaye@waldenu,edu     PW: Amadou04wa# ). DO NOT SHARE, use only for this help. Send a text when need info at 240-291-5765).






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