500 word discussion response

250 words per numbered response below, 500 words total, one citation per post of your choosing.


The electoral college was established in 1789, it is a system that entails the selection of electors, votes for the President and Vice President, and counting of the electoral votes by Congress (Miller, 2015). The electors consist of Four hundred thirty-five (435) Representatives, One hundred (100) Senators and Three (3) electors from the District of Columbia that totals Five-hundred-thirty-eight (538) votes. The Political parties of each candidate running for President and Vice President select the electors. The electors must cast their ballots in their state, for the President and Vice President candidate desired, after which, Congress is required to count and certify the electoral votes. In order for the Presidential candidate to win the seats in the Presidential cabin the candidate much have at least two hundred and seventy (270) electoral votes or more.

Further, all registered citizens will vote by ballots in the Primary Presidential Election, and the Presidential candidate that receives the highest votes is in hands of the state electors, who are “required by law to vote in a way that is consistent with the results of the popular vote” (Ray, 2020, para 1). The candidates that have the highest votes in each state wins the state’s electoral votes, except in Nebraska and Maine, who are exempted from this rule (Miller, 2015, para 3). With this, the governor of every state will complete a “Certificate of Ascertainment” with a list of all the candidates for President and names of their electors as well as the declared winning president candidate of each state, along with electors for each state. After everything is verified and documented the “Certificate of Ascertainment” is sent to Congress and the National Archives as the official records (Miller, 2015).


The electoral votes concept have some pros and cons that I will point out. According to Miller, 2015 the electoral votes pros and cons are as follows:

1). “Protects and provides a voice for the minority, especially in states with small populations and rural areas where farmers and others that do not belong to the corporate world. 2). Promotes the two-party system that establishes stability to help the federal government focus on general platforms instead of specific issues. 3). It prevents the possibility of a recount nationwide. 4). Provides the winner the majority of the votes, and 5). It provides all candidates a chance for substantial success” (Miller, 2015, para. 5). The cons: 1). Tarnishes democracy, whereas the candidate who wins the election by popular votes is nullified, by the electoral votes as well as over-represents minority states and causes an unfair advantage. 2). Isolates people from the rest of the country, because the popular is invalid, and makes people think their vote doesn’t count. 3). Produce a president that the majority of Americans do not approve of. 4). The presidential election is decided by the House of Representatives, and 5). It is complicated and discourages people from voting” (Miller, 2015, para. 5).

With this, I remember the election for President Candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Hillary won the popular votes by three million over Trump, but he won by electoral votes. Because of this, I think that the electoral votes should be revamped or completely dismissed. Many people were outraged of the fate of the election, upset and felt that the election was unfair. In my opinion, the electoral college system should be analyzed and changed. I am reluctant to believe that the pros help minorities and farmers or those not of the corporate world, but what would help all registered voters, is to make every vote count. The propaganda of the voting systems makes citizens have no desire to go cast their votes.

3. Do you agree with the ruling in Bush and Gore? Why and Why not?

In the ruling of the 2000 Presidential election of Bush v. Gore, the ruling by the Supreme Court declared that Florida’s recount method was unconstitutional in a 7-2 ruling (Bush v. Gore, 2017). I do not agree with the Supreme Court’s decision because there was obviously problems with the voting machine that showed some votes to be “incompletely punched (hanging chads) and pregnant chads (ballots were dimpled, but not pierced and overvotes (multiple votes for the same office and undervotes (ballots that recorded no vote for an office)” (Bush v. Gore, 2017). There should have been a recount by voting machines instead of manually, which failed to meet the mandate. Bush had the most votes and received the electoral votes. Gore conceded on December 13, and said, “while I strongly disagree with the court’s decision, I accept it” (Bush v. Gore, 2000, para. 6).


Bush v. Gore. (2017). Case Summary Brief. Retrieved from https://legaldictionary.net/bush-v-gore/

Bush v. Gore. (2000). U.S. Presidential election of 2000. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/print/article/931324

Miller, B. (2015). 10 Far-Reaching the pros and cons of the Electoral College. Retrieved from greengargeblog.org/10-far-reaching-pros-cons-of-the-elcetoral-college

Ray, M. (2020). How does the Electoral College work? Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/story/how-does-the-electoral-college-work. Accessed March 15, 2020

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